Intel is about to launch three new energy efficient 65W quad-cores. The faster of three is Core 2 Quad Q9550e and this CPU will work at 2.83GHz with FSB 1333 and 12MB cache. At launch it will cost $369, at least if you buy a thousand of them.
The runner up is Core 2 Quad Q 9400s, clocked at 2.66GHz with FSB 1333 and 5MB cache. This CPU
will launch on January 18th and sell for $320.
The last of these new, 65W TDP energy efficient CPUs is
Q8200s and this CPU with FSB1333 and 4MB cache will sell for $245 at launch.
Intel plans to drop the price of the plain Q8200 clocked at
2.33GHz from existing $193 to $183. We've already talked about this, and the latest roadmap confirms the launch date.