The last official launch from AMD in this year will be about three 65nm dual-cores, based on K10 architecture. We are naturally talking about Kuma 65nm dual-cores and they will finally launch with some decent speeds and nice specs.
AMD will brand these CPUs AMD Athlon X2 7000 and the fastest one that works at 2.7GHz is called Athlon X2 7750 Black Edition. The runner up is Athlon X2 7550 and this baby works at 2.5GHz, while the slowest Athlon X2 7450 works at 2.4GHz.
All of them have 3MB total cache memory and they fit in AM2+ boards and have support for DDR2-1066. The cache can be divided at 512KB for each core, total of 1024KB and additional 2MB L3 cache that will be shared between the cores. All these Kuma based CPUs have a 95W TDP.
These three dual-cores will launch on top of the already launched but barely available Athlon X2 6500, Kuma 65nm dual K10, that works at 2.3GHz and costs just under €100.
There is no sign of any 3GHz+ dual-core and we don’t expect one from AMD anytime soon.