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PC Hardware
17 percent of Intel consumer CPUs are 45nm

10 percent more than in Q1
In Q2 Intel plans that 17 percent of its consumer CPUs will ship in 45nm. Naturally, the bigger part of the number, the whole 12 percent refers to Intel Core 2 Duo 45nm dual cores, while only 5 percent are Core 2 Quad 45nm processors.
This is a ten percent increase from Q1, when Intel shipped only three percent of dual-cores and two percent in 45nm. The percentages refer to the total amount of consumer processors shipped in that quarter.
Core 2 Duo 65nm is dominant with 33 percent of total shipments, while Pentium dual core E2000 series still enjoys a healthy 31 percent of the Q2 market. When you combine them together you get that 64 percent of all consumers CPUs in Q2 will be based on these two, or shall we say one core with different memory configurations.
If all goes well in Q3 Intel plans to dramatically increase the output of 45nm dual-cores from Q2’s 12 percent to 41 percent, while the Quad-core 45nm will jump from five to eight percent, making the total number of 45nm cores a satisfactory 49 percent.