AMD has another 65nm quad-core to launch, and as we suggested before it will call it Phenom 9950. After Phenom 9950 comes Deneb, a new 45nm quad-core that we saw in action at CeBIT. Unlike previously believed, the new Phenom 9950 won't work at 2.6GHz than on rather interesting 2.66GHZ clock.
This speed might suggest that the CPU might run at 10x266FSB, but this is something that we will have to confirm.
Phenom 9950 was scheduled for a late May launch and it’s most likely to show its face before Computex 08 that starts on June 3rd , or at least at this event. AMD doesn’t plan any big launch but it will make some noise when it gets it out.
The new CPU will be out there before RV770 cards and AMD will probably push reviewers to test on its own CPUs.
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PC Hardware
Phenom 9950 to work at 2.66GHz
To launch soon