Back on the first day of February we confirmed the existence of E8600, a Core 2 Duo CPU based on 45nm and we wrote that the new CPU will work at 3.33GHZ, have 6MB of cache memory and fit into socket 775.
Intel's latest roadmaps reveal that this CPU comes in Q3, but it didn’t say anything more precise than that. At the same time, Intel will cut the prices of existing Core 2 Duo E8500 and E8400 processors
Core 2 Duo E8600 will cost $266 if you buy thousands of them, and in retail you can count with a little bit on top of that.
That will officially be the fastest 45nm processor that will be introduced, as currently both dual and quad-cores stop at 3.2GHz.
Hey, 3.33GHz is almost "faster" than the 3.4GHz Pentium 4 clock speed.
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PC Hardware
3.33GHz dual core to launch in Q3
At $266