AMD still has to start shipping its dual core-based K10 processor codenamed Kuma and roughly a year after it introduces it the company will try to move to a new core codenamed Regor.
Regor is a 45nm K10.5 based dual core and it is currently scheduled for 1H of 2009. It supports both socket AM2 for DDR2 setups and AM3 for DDR3 machines. It will come in two versions. One will have 6MB of cache memory, while the second one won’t have any and it will end up cheaper.
Dual cores can traditionally work at higher frequencies than quad-core processors, but at this rate we believe AMD’s dual core will end up a year behind Intel and its 45nm generation.
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PC Hardware
45nm K10.5 dual core scheduled for 1H 2009
A year from now