According to industry sources, Intel's Quad core 45nm will show its face in March. Even then, Intel will be able to ship it in limited quantities and, of course, we are talking about the desktop chips. Intel is currently shipping limited quantities of Xeon-based 45nm quad cores and a high-end 9650 3.0GHz quad core part.
The current plan is to fill the gap with 65 nm chips and survive until the 45nm Yorkfield mainstream quad cores come into place. Intel plans a limited availability of 45nm Yorkfields in March, but this will be enough to claim to investors that they started shipping them in Q1.
With AMD, which doesn’t really have the parts to compete, this makes Intel feel more comfortable and gives the Intel giant a little time to rest.
Published in
PC Hardware
Intel 45nm mainstream quad core comes in March
Roadmap: Limited quantity