This Monday, Intel launched its new quad-core server processors. The move has been interpreted as an aditional pressure that's being put on their rival Advanced Micro Devices, AMD.
Although most of the warfare between these two actually happens on the mainstream market with X68 processors, Intel isn't forgeting their more demanding customers.
Intels two new quad-core server beasts, namely Xeon X5365 and Xeon L5335 are out, and the numbers are quite nice. Xeon X5365 runs at 3.0 GHz of clock speed and a power envelope of 120 watts, while Xeon L5345 runs at mere 2.0 GHz but the power consumption of impressive 50 watts.
This move was probably a planned one, since AMD is getting ready to launch their own quad-core server processor Barcelona, on September 10th.
AMD lost a lot of money this year, although their sales rose due to price slashing. Intel on the other hand keeps „walking the walk“ and their shares rose to $24.02 on Monday trading, which is a jump of 4 cents.
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Published in
PC Hardware
Intel launches two Quad-craft Xeons
Two Xeon server processors out