Intel plans to drop the price of at least four of its Core 2 Duo mobile chips. The Core 2 Duo T7700 with 4MB cache and 2.4 GHz clock currently costs $517 and as of the 2nd of September it will cost $309, that's more than a 65 percent price cut.
The second in line is the Core 2 Duo T7500 with 4MB cache and 2.2 GHz clock at FSB 800, which will drop from its current $306 to $236. The Core 2 Duo T7300 at 2 GHz won’t have its price changed and it will stay at $236.
The new kid on the block, the Core 2 Duo T7250 with a clock speed of 2GHz, FSB 800 and only 2 MB cache will get introduced at a $197 price point.
Intel also plans to adjust its Mobile Celeron prices on the same time.
Published in
PC Hardware
Intel to cut Core 2 Duo mobile prices September 2nd
Introducing the Core 2 Duo T7250