AMD has released some additional information about it's upcoming Griffin and Puma platform that we reported about here.
Most of the information is what we already reported about in the original story, but some interesting tidbits made us write this follow up.
First of all it appears that Griffin is based on a SoC design, even though it lacks some of the features that would make it a true SoC. This has been done so it's easier for AMD to add new features to the mobile processors in the future.
It makes sense for AMD to take this approach, since it's dificult to make changes to its current processor architecture and anything to make this easier when it comes to add new features in the future must be a good thing not only for AMD, but also for its customers.
The mobile version of HyperTransport 3 will aparently operate at 2.6GHz and has a bit width of 0 to 16 bits, with 0 being when one of the cores is powered down due to low CPU utilization.
AMD has also added multiple on-die thermal sensors to allow for better, faster and cheaper thermal control of this new dual core mobile processor.
And this is what the new chip looks like in all its green glory
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PC Hardware
AMD Griffin pixelated

It's green