Published in Network

Broadcasters bollocked for spreading 5G conspiracy rubbish

by on03 April 2020

You are supposed to be journalists, so journ for goodness sake

British broadcasters are being warned that they face sanctions from the media regulator if they give airtime to bizarre claims that the coronavirus was spread by 5G.

A Sussex radio station was given a severe warning for broadcasting baseless conspiracy theories after members of the public complained after hearing a broadcast on the community radio station Uckfield FM, in which a woman introduced as a “registered nurse” claimed, without any evidence, that the rollout of 5G phone technology in Wuhan was connected to the outbreak and that the virus had been created in a lab.

It turned out that she was not a nurse but a firm believer in alternative medicines, while the media regulator said it was “not aware of any reputable scientific evidence to corroborate such a contentious claim which runs contrary to all official advice, both in the UK and internationally, about coronavirus”.

Ofcom confirmed it was actively monitoring television and radio stations that might be broadcasting potentially harmful views about the causes and origins of Covid-19 that have “the potential to undermine people’s trust in the advice of mainstream sources of information” during the crisis.

The truly daft idea that the coronavirus is linked to 5G have spread widely in recent weeks on WhatsApp, Facebook groups, and on the fast-growing community website NextDoor. 

A lot of the stories recycled stories, long since debunked, claiming that 5G kills birds, gave cancer to school kids, caused a plague of locusts, and resulted in the death of the people’s first born.

It is not helped by dumb arse people and c list celebrities who consider themselves “woke” distributing the material in the mistaken belief that it means they are “woker”.  No, just because you cut and paste a link to a story about 5G causing a real virus does not mean you are enlightened, it means you are dumb arse who is lowering the standards of the world with your stupidity.

In the case of Uckfield FM, Ofcom reported that the guest also used her appearance to launch a lengthy attack on health professionals in the NHS dealing with the pandemic.

She said: “Just because you have this qualification, do not wear that like a crown of glory … The days are gone when you were a doctor and a nurse and everybody trusted you. Those days are well gone. Do your own research. Do not trust a qualification. I know many people who are very qualified who know very little. Because remember the people that own the establishments that teach us, it all travels back to the same thing. It’s all owned by big pharma. They own the medical elite and they determine what gets published.”

Yep, in other words a stupid person who is irritated that people are not paying her enough attention and insecure about her own lack of knowledge and qualifications. Apparently in the 21st century we listen to loonies which appears to be one of the reasons we can’t have nice things.

Ofcom decided that the 20-minute interview with a person purporting to be an authoritative health figure who was not sufficiently challenged posed a significant risk to public health at a time of national crisis. It ordered the station to broadcast an apology in a manner of regulator’s choosing and warned other outlets that it would be stepping up monitoring.

It is interesting that while people are happy to listen to people who are marginally less informed about the technology and health aspects of 5G than your average city dwelling pigeon, they are less happy to look at news which shows that 5G has been given a clean bill of health by people who know what they are talking about.

There are several theories as to why so much fake news is circulating about 5G.  The most rational is that it is being placed there by Russian trolls.  While Russia is getting 5G itself, its plans are behind those of the West.  It makes sense for Tsar Putin’s Russian troll farms to provide fake information to the stupid of the West to encourage them to delay 5G implementation as long as possible.  In some parts of the US where the population has the collective intelligence of plankton and their politics are based on a puritan/neo-nazi mix, it is possible that they could convince people to pull the plug completely. Win-win for Russian trolls as stupid people put the US into a technological dark age.

This week there was a story about a "telecoms worker" who posted film of himself proving that 5G boxes were spewing out too much radiation and then him destroying them.  The only problem was that they were not 5G towers so we guess if he really was a telecoms worker he was not an engineer and probably worked in accounts.

Another one showed someone cutting up a 5G street light claiming that it was actually a scanner for a new weapon to kill off people who big state didn't like.  The comments below the video made Daily Mail readers look rational.


Last modified on 03 April 2020
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