Published in
Thursday, 22 November 2018 18:55
Snapdragon 855 is for phones SCX 8180 for PC
Two different chips
Qualcomm is scheduled to update us on the future mobile SoC in early December and if it was not clear before, these 7nm solutions are two different chips.

Published in
Friday, 21 September 2018 10:22
Qualcomm Snapdragon PC is not an overclocked 855
Brand new chip with bigger GPU
There is a lot of right and wrong information floating around the web about the successor to Qualcomm's Snapdragon 850 and we wanted to set things straight in the face of misleading information. To our knowledge, the new always connected PC chip may not end up branded the SCX8180, but something simpler. And, secondly, it is not a faster 855 overlocked, it is a brand new chip.