Oculus Rift faces two month delays
For some pre-orders
Last week at Nvidia's Games Technology Conference in Silicon Valley many people were moaning about the difficulties they were having getting their hands on the Oculus or HTC Vive. Now it seems that some of the early adopters of Oculus will have to wait for additional two months.
More delays for THQ
Need time to reach full potential
Wintel alliance showing strain
Chipzilla delays stuff up Windows
NFS: Most Wanted Vita release not delayed
EA claims it will make its scheduled launch date
Future Soldier map pack is delayed
Arctic Strike to now arrive in late July
Xcom FPS delayed again
Enemy Unknown strategy title on track
CS Global Offensive delayed
Will arrive in Summer instead of Spring
Skulls of the Shogun slips
Will miss original release window
Sega’s Binary Domain pushed
An additional two-week wait
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier delayed again
PC version release date now unknown