Websites not responsible for reader's comments
Well they aren't responsible why should we be?
The European Court has decided that comments written by readers at the bottom of news stories do not have to be policed by the magazines under defamation law.

Apple defeated by British justice
Welsh underdog proved IWatch was fragile
The fruity cargo cult Apple cult has suddenly found itself having a taste of reality when a Welsh bloke successfully sued Apple and forced the company to change a misleading Apple Watch product description.

Employer allowed to read your private emails
EU Court of Human Rights Ruling
Your boss is allowed to read all those private emails you send to mates while you are working, according to a landmark ruling by the European Court of Human Rights.

Samsung asks court to see common sense over Apple patents
Good luck with that
Samsung has urged a US appeals court on Tuesday to find that a jury in 2014 should not have made the South Korean company pay nearly $120 million to Apple for infringing three patents – The three slide-to-unlock, autocorrect and quick links features.

Man successfully sues Apple for poor genius
Tame Apple Press fumes
A bloke has successfully sued Apple for destroying his honeymoon snaps.

Amazon sues over fake reviews
More than a thousand might end up in court
Online book seller Amazon has sued more than a thousand people for writing fake reviews on its site with the aim of collecting cash from the seller.

Apple pulls Monster's licence
How dare you sue us!
Jobs' Mob has shown its petty side after it pulled the licence for Monster Cable to make expensive wires for its expensive toys.

Germans clear Adblock plus
Perfectly legal
The German courts have cleared AdBlock Plus of any wrong doing meaning that it is legal to use the browser extension.

Nvidia wins patent round against rival chipmakers
Early days yet
Nvidia is claiming a victory in its patent case against Samsung and Qualcomm in the US after an International Trade Commission has returned a pretrial claim construction ruling that it claims favours the outfit.
Court orders Apple to disclose details of HTC settlement
To Samsung