US government can nick your phone if you enter the country
Published in Mobiles

Take a burner if you leave the US

The Land of the Free has come up with a wizard way of violating privacy – according to the New York Times its border staff can just steal your phone when you return to the country.

German’s beating the US on the Internet of Things
Published in IoT

US leadership not assured

It appears that when it comes to the Internet of Things, the US is not the key innovator and that the Germans are where all the innovation is.

US Nuclear shield out-of-date
Published in News
Friday, 27 May 2016 12:28

US Nuclear shield out-of-date

Matthew Broderick might still have the gear to hack it

After decades, the US Defense Department is still using  eight inch floppy disks in a computer system that coordinates the operational functions of the nation's nuclear forces.

UK hacker will not have to hand over passwords
Published in News

Love one NCA nil

A UK computer scientist and activist Lauri Love has had a minor victory against the authorities who are trying to extradite him to the US.

Best year in the last seven for Huawei
Published in News
Friday, 01 April 2016 09:55

Best year in the last seven for Huawei

Who needs the US markets when you have Chinese 4G adoption

China's Huawei posted its biggest annual revenue growth since 2008, thanks mostly to China's adoption of fourth-generation (4G) mobile technology.

Chinese fume over US’s ZTE ban
Published in Mobiles
Monday, 07 March 2016 15:29

Chinese fume over US’s ZTE ban

Could be bad news for ZTE fans

The Chinese government is cross that the Americans have slapped sanctions on telecom manufacturer ZTE.

Dell’s EMC deal could be taxed to oblivion
Published in News
Wednesday, 11 November 2015 11:42

Dell’s EMC deal could be taxed to oblivion

Tax theat

Michael Dell’s $67 billion plan to take over storage giant EMC could be killed off by the US taxman.

European ISPs exaggerate their speeds
Published in News
Monday, 26 October 2015 10:31

European ISPs exaggerate their speeds

But are cheaper and faster than the US

A new EU Commission survey shows that European ISPs don't deliver on the download speeds they advertise. While the US ISPs are a little more honest, the Europeans are cheaper and faster.

US not allowed to take EU data
Published in News
Wednesday, 07 October 2015 13:09

US not allowed to take EU data

Legal ruling puts US tech in a spin

The US technology industry is paying the price for the obsession that its government has on stealing data.

US's spying obsession could cost it EU business
Published in News
Wednesday, 23 September 2015 12:24

US's spying obsession could cost it EU business

Technology companies could be shut out

An advisor to the European Court of Justice, Yves Bot has declared that the "safe harbour" agreement for transferring data between the US and EU is "invalid," because of concerns over US spying.