Samsung shows off its new Galaxy S9 and S9+ smartphones
Published in Mobiles

Similar design but with new SoCs and more features

Samsung has unveiled its newest Galaxy S9 and S9+ smartphones at the Unpacked event at the MWC 2018 show in Barcelona, revealing two smartphones that will have a similar design but come with updated hardware and a few other features.

Galaxy S9 formally announced next month
Published in Mobiles
Friday, 12 January 2018 12:13

Galaxy S9 formally announced next month

Was expected at CES

Samsung will unveil its next flagship handset, the Galaxy S9, next month at Mobile World Congress (MWC) and not CES as expected

Samsung confirms Galaxy S9/S9+ is coming to MWC 2018
Published in Mobiles

Might even launch in March

Samsung has pulled a rather surprising move, officially confirming that the next Galaxy flagship will be unveiled at the MWC 2018 show in February.

Samsung will allow Linux on Note8, Galaxy S8 and S8+
Published in News

"Linux on Galaxy" uses same Linux kernel that powers Android

Samsung has announced it will soon become possible to run actual proper Linux on its Note8, Galaxy S8 and S8+ smartphones.

Galaxy Note 7R will be cheaper than chips
Published in Mobiles

Samsung - what are you like?

Samsung has already confirmed that it will launch a  refurbished Galaxy Note 7 units earlier and the latest piece of information suggests the company will offer them at a 50 percent lower price.

Samsung issues red tint fix
Published in News
Friday, 28 April 2017 12:19

Samsung issues red tint fix

Firmware version G950NKSU1AQDG and G955NKSU1AQDG.

Samsung has rolled out a firmware update for the Galaxy S8 and S8+ which fixes the "red tint"  present on its handsets' screens .

Samsung Galaxy S8/S8+ SoCs compared
Published in Mobiles
Wednesday, 19 April 2017 21:39

Samsung Galaxy S8/S8+ SoCs compared

Exynos 8895 vs. Snapdragon 835

Both the Samsung Galaxy S8 and the Galaxy S8+ will be available with two SoCs, Samsung's own Exynos 8895 chipset and Qualcomm's pride and joy, the Snapdragon 835 chipset, and now, both of them have been pitted against each other in a couple of benchmarks.

Samsung says its Galaxy S8 and S8+ flagships are go. Go
Published in Mobiles

Infinity Display, 10nm SoCs and recongizable design

After months of endless rumors, leaks, and predictions, Samsung has now officially unveiled its flagship Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ flagship smartphones.

Samsung gives up on screen finger print scanner
Published in Mobiles

Galaxy 8 is unlikely to have it

Samsung Electronics' upcoming Galaxy S8 is unlikely to feature on-screen fingerprint scanning because its touch sensor partner Synaptics ran out of time for developing the related technology.

Samsung will not rush out Galaxy 8
Published in News
Tuesday, 25 October 2016 12:14

Samsung will not rush out Galaxy 8

Therein lies the path to more recall madness

Samsung is not going to rush out its Galaxy 8 to fill the void left by the Note7 recall.