The image, from a Samsung Kazakhstan advert was posted on Reddit. It shows the Galaxy Z Fold 6 with a design similar to the Galaxy S24 Ultra. It has sharper side angles and tighter corners. The camera lenses have a new grooved design, yet the pill-shaped camera island is the same.
The Galaxy Z Flip 6 resembles its predecessor, the Z Flip 5, including the external display and button placement. However, the Flip 6's camera housing now matches the phone's metal frame, not the previous model's black frame.
Some fans appreciate the new, sleeker look, while others worry about how the shape affects the phone's grip. This concern also applies to the Galaxy S24 Ultra's angular corners.
Critics say the Galaxy Z Fold 6's camera array looks too similar to previous models despite minor changes. Little information is available on the sensors or lenses Samsung will use for the Fold 6, which hints at ongoing dissatisfaction with the Fold's camera quality.
A Redditor noted that the Galaxy Z Fold 4's camera improved to match the Galaxy S22, Samsung's 2022 flagship. But the Z Fold 5 didn't get an upgrade to align with the S23.
A leaker confirmed that the Z Fold 6's camera will not differ much from the Fold 4 and 5. Samsung will soon officially unveil these devices.
Following the pattern of past events, the Galaxy Unpacked event is expected in July or August.