Chrome UI is a colossal miss
Users fume
Google's new Chrome UI appears to be a colossal miss and users are fuming.

Windows on ARM might end up on Chrome
Microsoft teams up with Google
Microsoft and Google engineers appear to be collaborating to support a version of Chrome running on Windows on ARM.

Next gen 2019 Snapdragon PC goes multi OS
Chrome to join Windows 10
Miguel Nunes, a senior director of product management at Qualcomm, took the stage at one of the ARM TechCon presentations and shared details about the 2019 always connected Snapdragon PC. ACPC stands for Always connected PC.

Google gives another reason to uninstall Chrome
Chrome now uploads all your browser history
In previous versions of Chrome, you could visit Gmail, YouTube or other Google websites and log into them without Chrome automatically uploading all of your browsing histories to Google but "fortunately" Google has seen fit to correct this flaw.

Flash gets old and runs out of steam
Only used by eight percent of Chrome users
The percentage of daily Chrome users who've loaded at least one page containing Flash content per day has gone down from around 80 percent in 2014 to under eight percent in early 2018.

Bait and switch sites fall to might of Chrome
Stop you being forwarded to another site
Google's Chrome browser is going to kill off redirects that send you to a website you didn't expect.

Microsoft presentation gives up on Edge
Installs Chrome instead
A Microsoft engineer carrying out a demo before assorted hacks had to abandon his Edge browser and install Chrome after his Vole-approved default browser froze.

Microsoft finds hole in Chrome
Pot calls kettle?
Software king of the world Microsoft has poured much scorn on Google's Chrome browser for having a rather large security hole.

Google purges Symantec certificates
Chrome will not trust them any more
After deciding to distrust Symantec's certificates in March, Google has decided that from Chrome 66 it will completely remove any trust of Symantec-issued certificates issued before 1 June, 2016.

All roads lead to Chrome ad-blocker
Will not block all ads
Google's Chrome is set to have its own ad-blocker.