The South Korean tech giant hosted the event using Decentraland, a cryptocurrency-focused virtual world that users can create, explore and trade. Decentraland, one of many metaverse efforts, is accessed via a desktop browser.
Users create an avatar which they can navigate around the blockchain-powered virtual world using a mouse and keyboard. The event took place in Samsung 837X, a virtual building that Samsung has built on Decentraland that's designed to be a replica of its flagship New York experience centre.
Samsung 837X is there all the time but there just happened to be an event inside the building's "Connectivity Theatre. " But apparently hacks struggled to find the 837X building and when they did they could not gain access.
An ad for Samsung 837X hung on a "crowd" board. Once clicked (easier said than done), you're then given the option to "jump in." After jumping in, you're transported to Samsung's little world on Decentraland and you can see the 837X building. There's a pizza store next door, but not much else.
There was a large line of people at the main entrance to the 837X building. People were struggling to get in. Some users were getting their avatars to jump on other people's heads as they clambered to the front of the queue but it didn't help. The doors wouldn't open and the chatbox was again full of pleas for help.
A rumour circulated that a YouTuber had managed to find a way in, while a CNET journalist wrote on Twitter that they had managed to gain access by switching to the "ATHENA" server. It wasn't immediately obvious how to do this.