According to the details leaked on Twitter, the 7nm Qualcomm Snapdragon 735, codenamed SM7250, will have two separate big Cortex-A76 cores, running at 2.36GHz and 2.32GHz, as well as small six-core Cortex-A55 CPU cluster, running at 1.73GHz. It will also come with Adreno 620 GPU, which should bring a performance uplift compared to the Adreno 618 found in the Snapdragon 730 SoC.
The Snapdragon 735 was already leaked earlier, but showed a slightly different CPU configuration, as well as providing a bit more information including the NPU220 for AI as well as hinting at an integrated 5G modem. The newest leak does not go that deep into details, but we expect Qualcomm to unveil it at its annual Hawaii event in December.
Judging from the specifications, the Snapdragon 735 SoC will be a popular chipset for mid-range smartphones and a decent successor to the Snapdragon 730.
Snapdragon 735 (SM7250) specs-
— Sudhanshu Ambhore (@Sudhanshu1414) October 21, 2019
1x A76 @ 2.36GHz + 1x A76 @ 2.32GHz + 6x A55 @ 1.73GHz
Adreno 620 GPU
They don't match with previously leaked specs by @SuggestPhone, cause I've extracted these specs from a document.🙄