DXOMark has a chance to try out Huawei's latest flagship Mate 30 Pro smartphone and it managed to score an overall result of 121, and a photo score of 131, which is way above anything tested so far. The video score hit 100, which is a point below Note, mostly due to the lack of HDR recording and some other minor software issues.
The front camera is not as good as the rear system, so it got a total of 93 points, which puts it ahead of Google's Pixel 3, which is still holding its ground in the top 10, but below Samsung's Galaxy Note 10+ 5G, S10 5G and the S10+.
Bear in mind that DXOMark used a new review process for the Mate 30, which also tested ultra-wide lens and the night mode, both which are quite good.
You can check out the full review over at DXOMark, and we can't help to wonder how long will the Mate 30 will manage to keep the top spot.