Apple is not fond of jailbreaks because they provide users with the ability to do what they like with the expensive phone they paid for so when a bug, discovered by Ned Williamson, a Google Project Zero security engineer, allows a malicious app to exploit a "user-after-free" vulnerability and run code with system privileges in the iOS kernel Jobs' Mob went into a panic.
iOS version 12.4.1, released today, re-patches this bug that was initially fixed in iOS 12.3 but was accidentally unpatched in iOS 12.4, last month.
Apple's blunder didn't go unnoticed and earlier this month, a security researcher named Pwn20wnd released a public exploit based on Williamson's bug that could be used to jailbreak up-to-date iOS devices and grant users complete control over their iPhones.
The Tame Apple Press is warning users not to take risk and jailbreak their devices as malware operators and spyware vendors can also use Pwn20wnd's jailbreak too. Such is the price of freedom.