Qualcomm filed a complaint against Apple nearly a year ago, asking the commission to ban the import of iPhones containing rival chipmaker Intel's so-called modem chips, which help mobile phones connect to wireless data networks.
At a trial in Washington that started on Friday, the ITC staff said Apple violated one of Qualcomm’s patents around battery-saving technology.
The ITC staff acts as a third party in such trade cases. The staff lawyers’ opinions are not binding, but judges often follow them.
Apple has argued that Qualcomm’s patents are invalid and that even if they are not, the judge should not ban Intel-based iPhones because it would give Qualcomm a monopoly on modems in the United States and drive Intel out of the modem business.
“Qualcomm is selectively asserting its patents to target only Apple products containing Intel chipsets — even though its patent infringement allegations would apply equally to Apple products containing Qualcomm chipsets — in an attempt to use the ITC as another mechanism for perpetuating its ill-gotten monopoly position”, Apple wrote.
The logic is amazing coming from Apple of all people which went to the ITC to claim that it invented the rounded rectangle and used it as part of a "thermo-nuclear" plan to eliminate competition from cheaper Android phones.