The latest picture, leaked on site, which allegedly shows Xiaomi's upcoming Mi Mix 2s, suggests that the company might have decided to use a fingerprint scanner placed under the display. While it might not use the technology seen earlier on Vivo's prototype, which uses the entire bottom half of the screen but rather a sensor placed at a specific part of the screen, it appears that Xiaomi thinks the technology is good enough to be used on its flagship smartphone.
Earlier leaks from Weibo suggest that Xiaomi's upcoming Mi Mix 2s smartphone could end up with a 6.01-inch OLED screen and Sony's IMX363 camera sensor. The rest of the rumors also included the new Full Screen 3.0 design, which will have bring a higher screen-to-body ratio, Qualcomm's latest Snapdragon 845 SoC with 6GB or 8GB of RAM, and a beefy 4,400mAh battery.
Recent rumors also pointed out that the same screen could be used on Xiaomi's Mi 7, which should also come with some sort of AI integration, similar to most flagship smartphones launched earlier.
While some believed that Xiaomi could launch the Mi Mix 2s at the MWC 2018 show held earlier in Barcelona, the company has already announced that it will be launched on March 27th, at a separate event, most likely held somewhere in China.