The original Google Pixel smartphone was announced on October 4th last year and, according to Evan Blass, most commonly known under his Twitter @evleaks tag, Google could be unveiling the second-generation Pixel smartphones on October 5th.
Google has been known to have a strategy of announcing its smartphones after most other manufacturers and this time around it will be facing both Samsung's latest Galaxy Note 8 flagship as well as Apple's new iPhone.
Earlier rumors suggested that the new Pixel will be water-resistant, have a better camera, ditch the 3.5mm audio jack and even have a set of pressure sensors in the edge of the smartphone, similar to HTC's Edge Sense on the U11.
According to the same report, Google will be using Qualcomm's Snadragon 836, something that we already wrote earlier last month, and this could bring about 10 percent improvement in performance as well as a couple of battery usage improvements.
Earlier reports also suggested that Google will come up with two different Pixel 2 versions, one with a higher price tag, which could end up with all those new goodies, and a cheaper version, with a few cut-backs.
If these smartphones are indeed scheduled for announcement in October, we will probably hear more about them soon enough.
Google's second-generation Pixel handsets, powered by Snapdragon 836 SoC's, will be unveiled on October 5th.
— Evan Blass (@evleaks) August 24, 2017