As detailed earlier by, the HTC U is expected to pack Qualcomm's latest Snapdragon 835 SoC, the same one that Samsung exclusively got for its Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus flagships, and come with a 5.5-inch WQHD (2560x1440) screen. While the precise RAM amount is unknown, the smartphone will probably come with two storage options, 64GB and 128GB, both expandable with a microSD card.
It will also have a 12-megapixel rear main camera and a 16-megapixel front one, both based on Sony's sensors.
HTC U will also come with unique frame-embedded sensors in its metal frame. This feature, known as HTC Edge Sense, will allow users to use various gestures by either swiping or even squeezing the frame. As expected, the HTC U will use Android 7.1 Nougat OS with its HTC Sense 9 UI.
A similar leak, following @evleaks picture, suggests that the HTC U will lack the 3.5mm headset jack and have IP57 certification. It will also have a dual-SIM version, most likely limited to certain regions.
U saw it here first [specs:]
— Evan Blass (@evleaks) April 15, 2017
As revealed earlier, the new HTC U is expected to officially announce the HTC U sometime this month with availability in early May.