According to the Current Bun a bloke realised he had made a mistake getting his sister an iPhone as a present. She had more sense and did not want it, so he took it back to his local Apple store and he tried to get a refund.
Sharakat Hussain was gobsmacked when his request for a refund was turned down because the fruity cargo cult insisted he was a ruthless Iraqi dictator who was hanged in 2009 after being toppled by a US coalition who were searching for mythical weapons of mass destruction.
According to Apple, the refund had been denied because Saddam Hussein was on a “Government Denied Parties list” of people they are legally forbidden to sell to. Apple did not give a Saddamn about the fact that Hussain, whose name is even spelt differently from the decomposing dictator, had already bought the phone without a hitch. After all, people are not supposed to return goods so those who do must be Zombie dictators from Babylon – it just makes perfect sense.
What Apple wanted, before he got his cash, was an email with a box ticked which confirmed he was not Saddam Hussein. After all, if you are a ruthless dictator who killed thousands of your own people with chemical weapons, who has somehow managed to cheat the hangman and move to the UK, you are going to confess all of this to Apple.
Sharakat, of Great Barr, Birmingham, said: “I thought the email was spam and was stunned to learn it was real. I was furious being linked to Saddam.”
To be fair to Apple, you could almost hear the sound of the PR person’s head hitting the desk when the Sun got in touch with the story. A spokeswoman offered Apple’s “sincerest apologies” and promised to sort it out right away. Given that Apple never admits liability for anything other the rounded rectangle, this is a strong statement indeed.