Murtazin adds that the Galaxy Note 7 will have a 3600 mAh battery which can manage 20 hours of video on maximum brightness. Samsung Galaxy S7 comes with a 3000 mAh battery that seems to be enough for the 5.1 inch display while the Galaxy S7 Edge has a 5.5 inch 2560x1440 Pixel, display and 3600 mAh battery.
There has been a lot of speculation about the Galaxy Note 3 and at least two different flavours are expected. One of them will have a 5.7 (5.8 inch) screen version will have 6 GB RAM and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 823 clocked at 2.3Ghz or an Exynos 8893 clocked at 2.6GHz.
Samsung lead the way to the large phones. Even Apple had to admit that millions of people will want a phone bigger than 4.7 inches and some want more than 5.5 inches.
The Galaxy Note 7 will have a slight head start on the iPhone 7, we should see the iPhone 7 announcement before 15 September. It is likely that the iPhone 7 will be just like the iPhone 6S, both in look and feel. That one failed to impress anyone with its force touch.
With the iPhone 7, everyone seems to be focused on the possible lack of 3.5 mm headphone connector and two versions with Qualcomm and Intel modem and 10nm A10 SoC. Neither of which are reaons to buy one.