While the new Oppo F1, which was just unveiled at the event in Mumbai, comes with a 5-inch HD screen and 3GB of RAM, the company has already teased the upcoming update, the Oppo F1 Plus, which will pack a 5.5-inch FHD screen as well as 4GB of memory.
Spotted by GSMArena.com, the rest of the specifications for the upcoming F1 Plus, which should launch in April, should be the same so you are looking at Qualcomm's octa-core Snapdragon 616 SoC, 13-megapixel rear camera and a 8-megapixel front camera. There should be no change in the design, other than the size of the screen.
In case you missed it, Oppo F1 launched in India for INR 15,990, which is about US $235, while the F1 Plus is expected to launch with a price set at INR 26,990, which is around US $395.