The company’s tablet comes in two variants: one running Windows 10 and the other running Android. The Mi Pad 2 is thinner than its predecessor (8.5mm) with a thickness of 6.96mm. The device weighs in at only 322 grams, which is 38 grams lighter than the original Mid Pad.
It has a 7.9-inch IPS display with a resolution of 2048×1635 pixels and 326ppi. It is based around a 2.24GHz Intel Atom x5-Z8500 quad-core chipset and 2GB LPDDR3 RAM. Xiaomi has an 8-megapixel f/2.0 rear camera and a 5MP front camera. The device also comes with a 6190mAh battery, which offers 2 hours of battery life.
Perhaps the reason it sold out was the price. Xiaomi is selling the 16GB variant for $156, and the 64GB variant for only $203. Still dont expect it to ever arrive in the West. It looks like Xiaomi will have its work cut out with the Chinese market.