Published in Mobiles

Ballmer says Windows should support Android apps

by on03 December 2015

Quietly commenting on the side lines

The shy and retired former Microsoft CEO Steve “there is a kind of hush” Ballmer has suggested that his former company has called for Redmond to make its windows software run android apps.

Project Astoria, Microsoft's plan to bring Android apps to its Windows 10 Mobile platform, has been put on hold, and Ballmer is not happy about it.

Remember that Ballmer has a fortune tied up in Microsoft shares and is not the sort of person who can’t make his voice heard.

At the company's annual shareholder meeting, Ballmers’ successor Satya Nadella was asked about Microsoft’s lack of support for Android. . Nadella cited the company's effort to get developers to create universal apps across PC, mobile, and Xbox, but Ballmer growled that cunning plan will not work.

"Windows phones need to be able to "run Android apps," he reportedly said. Yes this is ironic, given that Ballmer was the bloke who insisted that Windows needed to be kept as pure as the driven snow uncontaminated by other apps. But high-profile apps are leaving the Windows Store and Redmond needs a plan if its latest mobile initiative is to gain any ground at all.

Ballmer is also not that happy with Microsoft’s reporting of cloud earnings, which he claims are "bullshit."

Microsoft should report the revenue, not the run rate.” It's sort of a key metric -- if they talk about it as key to the company, they should report it," he barked.

Microsoft posts its cloud business figures as an extrapolated rate for the year, but Ballmer is said more disclosure is needed because the margins for cloud services are lower than Microsoft's traditional software products.

Last modified on 03 December 2015
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