Spotted, the new Lenovo K80 shares a lot of similarities with ASUS Zenfone 2 as both are based on an Intel Atom 64-bit chipset. Based around a 5.5-inch 1920x1080 resolution screen, the Lenovo K80 will be powered by a 64-bit Intel Atom SoC clocked at 1.8GHz with 4GB of RAM, 64GB of internal storage, and feature a 13-megapixel rear camera with OIS. The phone has all the usual connectivity options, including LTE, and packs a rather impressive 4000mAh battery.
The device is 8.5mm thick, which is also quite impressive given the spec, and will be available in black, silver and red color options. It runs on Android Lollipop OS and should be available in China for 1,799 CNY, or around US $290. Lenovo apparently plans to introduce a version with 2GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage, which should be priced at 1,499 CNY, or around US $240.
It is still not clear when and if Lenovo plans to launch the K80 smartphone in other markets but, with such specifications and at that price, it will surely be a viable alternative to many other competing flagship Android phones.