According to @upleaks, HTC's next flagship could dispense with the UltraPixel camera at the back, replacing it with a standard 20.7-megaixel sensor. It is still unclear what sort of branding HTC plans to use, we could be looking at another One (M9), or something completely different.
The spec sheet is impressive - Snapdragon 810 with four Cortex-A57 cores clocked at 2.0GHz and four Cortex-A53 cores running at up to 1.5GHz. The handset is said to feature 3GB of memory, Category 6 LTE, a 5-inch FHD display and a 2840mAh battery. The phone is supposed to ship with Android 5.0 and Sense 7.0.
This is not the first One M9 spec leak and just a few days ago Android sites reported that the phone will ship with a 5.5-inch display and Snapdragon 805 SoC. In any case all leaked specs should be taken with a grain of salt - it's still too early to pin anything down.