A dumb arsed Chinese fanboy thought that he could force the woman of his dreams to marry him by buying her lots of iPhones and then proposing her while his friends streamed the moment on their phones. QQ Games reports that a computer programmer in Guangzhou decided to propose to his girlfriend in the middle of an iPhone 6 heart made out of 99 iPhone 6s which set him back $85,000.
Fortunately, the woman in question was a damn sight more intelligent than he was and told him to go forth and multiply (preferably with someone else). After all anyone who before the marriage begins wastes all that money on doing things in a way that only interests him, is going to be a liability. Anyone who thinks that Apple products is the key to a woman’s heart has never heard of chocolate, jewellery or shoes.
Also anyone who attempts to control your choice by get a gang of people to surround you when he proposes deserves to have his humiliation broadcast all over the world.
The Tame Apple Press says we should not feel too sorry for him as it will be a doodle to resell all those phones. Besides sex is not as fun as owning an iPhone and if a woman does not understand that, it is better you stay single.