Published in Mobiles

Apple censors magazines for exposing Bendgate

by on01 October 2014

You will not report the truth

While the Tame Apple Press is doing its best to claim that Bendgate is all a conspiracy theory, Apple is getting nasty with any magazine which reports the truth.

The Fruity Cargo cult is attacking the German magazine Computer Bild for posting a video in which they tried to bend the new iPhone 6 Plus. Bild had heard reports of iPhone 6 Plus units bending in the pockets of its users, and like all responsible journalists they decided to see what the fuss was all about and went out and got their hands on a iPhone 6 Plus of their own.

Needless to say they found that the phone did not take too much strength to buckle under pressure and their video managed to garner over 400,000 views at this time of writing. Apple got in touch with the publication and told them they would not be given anymore Apple products to review, and that their credentials to cover official events had been revoked. It seems that Apple believes that censoring the press who do not repeat its lies is the best way to keep the truth under wraps.

Computer Bild’s editor in chief Axel Telzerow has since penned an open letter to Apple’s CEO Tim Cook saying that the iPhone 6’s case seemed to be weak, “bendable.”

“Being popular for our tests with utmost scrutiny, we could not leave the subject without comment. Of course that required further tests since testing new products without any prejudice is our obligation to our readers,” he said. “We were shocked about how easy it was to bend the device. And so were around 200.000 viewers who watched the video up until now.”

However he wondered if is this really how Apple wanted to deal with media that provide your customers with profound tests of your products.

“Do you really think that a withdrawal of Apple’s love and affection could have an intimidating effect on us? Luckily we do not have to rely on devices that Apple provides us with. Luckily, a lot of readers are willing to pay money for our magazine to keep us independent. So we are able to buy devices to do our tests anyway. Even devices of manufacturers that seem to fear Computer Bild's independent judgement,” he wrote.

He said that even if the magazine was quite dismayed about Apple’s reaction, it will not surrender its principles.

“We will continue our incorruptible tests that have the same high reputation in the german media-landscape as Apple has for its products. We are deeply disappointed about the lack of respect of your company,” he wrote.

Here is the video which Apple did not want you to see.

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