It looks like Motorola might not be the only company to launch a round smartwatch. We have kept track of Android Wear since it launched and the platform started off slow, but adoption has grown from 10k to more than 100k installations over the course of a couple of months.
To call something successful these days it has to reach a million downloads rather soon after launch. It looks like everyone is still waiting for the Moto 360 round watch and that the LG G Watch and Samsung Gear series watches with their square pants design are only managing to attract enthusiastic early adopters.
Now LG is teasing a round version of its watch and sources claim that the IFA trade show that will take place in Berlin from 5th till 10th of September might be the place to see it. Motorola is supposed to showcase and officially launch its Moto 360 watch on September 3rd at a dedicated event.
In the video LG claims that the watch will fill the gap and aims for a perfect circle. The company flashes a number of possible designs for the watch including the pictured one.
LG points out that users will never run out of new designs and skins for your watch even when the watches go out of production. You will be able to have a different look on a regular basis.
Asus and HTC might also be launching watches at the IFA trade show, but it is not clear if they will be rectangular or round designs. The LG G Wear looks interesting but just like any toy it runs out of steam quite fast as all it really does is saving you from pulling your phone out of your pocket in order to see a text message or some a distracting notification.
And don’t be fooled, smartwatches will distract you while driving but we are quite sure that many will buy these wearables anyway. The Apple iWatch has yet to come and we have a funny feeling that history will repeat itself one more time and that Apple will shake up the wearables industry despite the fact that it is late to the game.