Published in Mobiles

HTC smart watch coming next week

by on20 February 2014

Based on Qualcomm Toq

Troubled smartphone maker HTC is about to roll out its first wearables next week.

HTC’s first smartwatch will be based on the Qualcomm Toq, which is has a few things going for it – but it also has some drawbacks. The Toq doesn’t come cheap and it has a few limitations, but it also has an innovative Mirasol display and of course it has a small army of Qualcomm engineers behind it, so support should not be an issue.

In addition to the Toq lookalike, HTC is also planning to introduce a second smart watch with an AMOLED display. This watch might be a bit more elaborate and it should be focused on Google Now services, i.e. voice recognition.

A wristband seems to be in the works, too. Like most smart wristbands it is designed for the health and fitness crowd. However, unlike most wristbands out there, HTC’s device can reportedly be used to control audio playback, which is good news for runners and cyclists.

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