Both Samsung and LG's curved phones are only available in the South Korean market as they seek to gauge consumer appetite. Samsung launched a variant of the popular Galaxy Note earlier this month as the world's first smartphone with a display slightly curved side to side. LG’s version is a vertically curved six-inch display. The company said the phone will be available from next month through South Korea's three mobile carriers.
This enables more immersive video watching and required a curved battery to support its form factor, LG said. LG is hoping that something will save it. Last week it reported a $75 million operating loss from its handset division for the third-quarter.
Apple is also working on a smartwatch, potentially with a curved screen, but it will be long behind its rivals when it hits the shops. In terms of specs, the G Flex has an OLED display but only 720 x 1280 resolution — at 6-inches diagonally, that pegs the pixel density at 244 ppi. Under the bonnet is a a MSM8974 (Snapdragon 800) processor clocked at 2.26GHz, 2GB of RAM, a 13MP camera, 32GB of internal storage and Bluetooth 4.0. As expected, for now this is a South Korea-only affair. And the price? Close to $1,000 in Korea.
LG says the rear of the G Flex will feature a self-healing coating, designed to automatically fill small scratches in the finish.