Google isn’t too happy with the latest round of Motorola droids, it feels they lack the “wow” factor and look just too bland.
"We've been spending the past eight months on this next generation of phones, and we've all seen positive feedback and collaboration around things,” said Wicks.
The first Motorola phones developed with Google’s blessing should appear later this year. Better yet, they will feature an “unadulterated version of Android,” just like Nexus gear. They will also be smaller than the current crop of oversized Android flagships.
It is sanity at its best. Phones can’t keep growing indefinitely and at 1080p there is simply no need to go for higher resolutions. In fact, the same can be said of 720p on smaller screens.
“There's a sweet spot for consumers that we're currently exceeding in the market. There are some people that like a big display, but there's also a lot of people that want something that's just about right," Wicks said. "I think 'just right' is important, and we're designing so we don't disappoint those people."
So, on behalf of “those people” we implore Motorola to come up with a sleek 4- to 4.3-inch phone with stock Android as soon as possible.