Published in Mobiles

iOS getting more new users than Android in US

by on07 March 2013

Android lead slowly eroding

Apple is attracting more new mobile users in the US than Android, but in spite of that Cupertino’s share price is still in a downward spiral for no obvious reason.

The latest ComScore report found that Apple’s iPhone gained ground on Android between November and January. Android is still the dominant platform, with a 52.3 percent market share, but its share dropped 1.3 percent. Apple is at 37.8 percent, but its share has gone up by 3.5 percent.

The Apple - Google duopoly is still going strong. Blacberry’s share slipped from 7.8 percent to 5.9 percent, while Microsoft’s share is stagnant, 3.1 percent, down from 3.2 percent in October. Symbian is still used on 0.5 percent of handsets, down from 0.6 percent in October.

The number of new Blackberry users also went down, but it should be noted that the three-month period covered in the survey ended just as BB10 was about to roll out.

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