According to the latest ComScore survey, Microsoft is still losing mobile market share and as of November just 3 percent of US consumers use Windows phones.
Google and Apple are leading the way, with 52.6 and 35 percent of the market respectively. Both Google and Apple are still seeing their market share grow, albeit at a slow pace. RIM ranked third with a 7.3 percent share, down 1 percent since August. Microsoft’s share slipped from 3.6 percent in August to 3 percent in November. Just 0.5 percent of devices run Symbian, which has been dead in the water for quite some time.
There is a caveat though. Windows Phone 8 handsets are still a novelty and the OS launched in late October, so its effect on November sales is limited, if not negligible. In other words, things could be somewhat better for Microsoft down the road.