It goes something like this, Xiaomi is working on a successor to the M2 smartphone, based on Nvidia’s unannounced Tegra 4 chip. The phone is said to feature upwards of 2GB of RAM, 4.5-inch high def screen, 12-megapixel camera and an LTE capable Tegra 4 chip clocked between 1.8GHz and 2GHz.
It sounds more like a wish list than a spec sheet, but we wouldn’t discount the rumours just yet. Some Chinese companies have a reputation for leaking specs way ahead of time, and we are sure they don’t mind the free coverage.
While it is possible that Xiaomi is indeed working on a Tegra 4 phone, we must say we are rather skeptical. Nvidia is expected to showcase the Tegra 4 at CES and we should start seeing the first devices based on the new SoC a couple of months later. Provided all goes as planned, of course.
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