Motoroal announced its plans with Intel early in the year, but has now unveiled the first model, the RAZR i, running on a 2GHz (though single-core) Atom Medfield processor. Erik Reid, general manager of the Mobile & Communications group at Intel claimed that it is the first to achieve speeds of 2GHz.
It achieves this by harnessing the chip supplier's Hyper-Threading and improving battery life. Motorola, Lava and Lenovo are three early Atom adopters who are targeting the midmarket, China and operator branded smartphones. RAZR is also part of an alliance between with Motorola parent Google and Chipzilla. Intel has been investing lots in optimizing Atom for Android, in a bid to increase its influence at ARM's expense.
The only downside is that some Android apps may not run on Atom but generally things are going well. The RAZR i will be followed by other Atom-based devices. But the most striking claim for the RAZR i is a long battery life of 20 hours of 'mixed use' (Motorola's measurement of an average person's normal handset usage).
This is an improvement on the high end ARM-based model in the family, RAZR M, which uses Qualcomm Snapdragon. The new handset will go on sale in the UK, France and Germany, next month.
Published in
Motorola's new Atomic RAZR brings credibility for all
Intel's first major mobile win
Motorola Mobility has unveiled its first smartphone based on the Intel Atom processor and it appears that the rejuvenated RAZR brand might give Chipzilla a dose of mobile credibility.