The G is based on Qualcomm’s new APQ8064 quad-core, the fastest ARM-based chip on the market. It also packs Adreno 320 graphics, 2GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage. The usual array of sensors is on board, along with a new 4.7-inch screen in 1280x768. It also has a 13-megapixel camera and a host of other goodies. The only thing apparently missing from the impressive spec sheet is a microSD slot.
As we reported over the weekend, the Optimus G is already listed in Europe at €599, placing it at the top of the Android ladder, along with the Samsung Galaxy S III.
It all sounds nice on paper, but with LG’s poor software update track record, the Optimus G seems like a perfect choice for consumers who place an emphasis on hardware rather than software. It ships with Android 4.0 and we have no idea when it will get 4.1.