The fact that the iPhone 5 has comparatively poor reviews and most of its functionality does not work in Europe has not stopped the spinning. The other technique is product placement. This morning if you read Business Insider, you would have seen a headline which claimed that Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer just sent an email to all of Yahoo's full time and part time employees in the US promsing them an iPhone. Mayer is a super hottie and widely expected to sort out Yahoo so having her give all her staff an iPhone should assure all fanboys that the iPhone 5 is on everyone's hot list.
The only problem was that the story did not say that. In fact Mayer letting her staff have any smartphone they like including Samsung,Nokia, or HTC smartphone. In fact the real story here is that the only phone that Mayer is not buying for her staff is anything from RIM. Yahoo is also going to discontinue IT support for Blackberry phones. Through the program, Yahoo employees will have a choice of phones: iPhone 5, Samsung Galaxy S3, HTC One X, HTC EVO 4G LTE, or Nokia Lumia 920.
The point is that until the iPhone 5 is on the streets you should only trust Fudzilla as other magazines are taking upon themselves the task of sacrificing their credibility to hawk iPhone 5s. Unlike Business Insider, we will fire any hack who perverts a news story to make the new iPhone 5 look like it is important.
Tame Apple Press starts to spin the iPhone 5
Don't trust anything you read