Panasonic has been an Android player in the Japanese market for years and earlier this year it launched the Eluga in Euroland. The phone launched at €400 back in March, but now it can be yours for just €229 in Germany, cash and no contract please. It is available for just over €230 in several other EU markets.
Although it might be a pretty unusual device with a few shortcomings, it is definitely a bargain. The Eluga is powered by a dual-core OMAP 4430 processor clocked at 1GHz and it comes with 1GB of RAM and 8GB of internal storage. It features a 4.3-inch 960x540 OLED screen, 8-megapixel camera and NFC, all tucked away in a sleek 7.8mm body. It weighs just 103g and it is water proof, you can dunk it in a pitcher of beer and still call the cab to take you home, or to work.
Downsides include a smallish 1150mAh battery, no microSD slot and Gingerbread, although Panasonic promised to deliver an ICS update. When? We have no idea.
You can check out the listings here.