Qualcomm announced that it will supply its latest S4 Pro chips to LG, for use in a quad-core phone expected to roll out in Korea next month. In addition to an APQ8064 SoC, the phone will feature Qualcomm’s MDM9x15 baseband for LTE. Tom’s Hardware confirmed that the upcoming device will use the APQ8064 and MDM9615 combo.
Rumours of an LG quad-core superphone have been around for a while now. Punters believe it will be called Optimus G and it should feature a 4.7-inch HD IPS display, 13-megapixel camera and 2GB of RAM. Such a spec would make it the fastest Android handset on the market, hands down.
It is also important to note that Samsung, LG and Sony have reportedly been tapped to churn out next generation Nexus phones, so don’t be surprised if we see a similarly spec’d phone with Nexus branding sooner or later.
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