Like its predecessor, the SL is also based on a dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S3 processor, but this time it is clocked at 1.7GHz. It retains the same 4.3-inch 720p screen and 12-megapixel camera. Unlike the S, the SL ships with ICS out of the box.
Granted, it is still not in the same league as quad-core superphones from Samsung or HTC, but it is a decent effort. Better yet, the old Xperia S is already a bargain and it could get even cheaper as the SL is introduced.
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Sony quietly rolls out Xperia SL
1.7GHz revamp of Xperia S
Sony has added yet another handset to its already huge Xperia series. The Xperia SL is a basically a refreshed Xperia S, with a slight speed bump and a new OS.