Published in Mobiles

Ex-Nokia staff create MeeGo start-up

by on09 July 2012

Stick two fingers up at their ex-bosses

A team of ex-Nokia staff and MeeGo enthusiasts has stuck two fingers up at the former rubber boot maker for dumping the operating system in favour of Windows.

The group has formed Jolla which is Finnish for "dinghy", which is a mobile startup dedicated to creating new MeeGo devices. According to its LinkedIn page, Jolla consists of "directors and core professionals from Nokia’s MeeGo N9 organization, together with some of the best minds working on MeeGo in the communities."

The plan is that new MeeGo smartphones will be created together with our industrial and investor partners and with support of the MeeGo community. Jolla isn't affiliated with Nokia so it will not provide support or updates for the popular N9 smartphone or N950 developer handset. The Finnish startup is led by Chief Operating Officer Marc Dillon who was the Principal Engineer for MeeGo from January 2006 until he left the company in May of this year.

Jolla issued a statement that when Nokia created Meego it built something wonderful.  He thinks it is still the world's best smartphone product. He said that it deserves to be continued, and Jolla will do that together with all the bright and gifted people contributing to the MeeGo success story. Jolla will design, develop and sell new MeeGo based smartphones, he said. 

We guess in a couple of months it will probably make more profit than Nokia, which is not particularly difficult.

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