Fruit themed toymaker Apple's legal tactics to kill off its main smartphone rival in court, rather than doing normal thinks like compete, has run aground. Jobs' Mob wanted to get the new Samsung G3 banned, before it could kill off the iPhone, but found that its earlier legal tactics had counted against it.
The problem was that it thought it would be a good idea loading US District Court Judge Lucy Koh with complaints in the hope that something would stick. Now she says she is a little too busy to deal with a new one and does not want to lump the new Samsung complaints with the old ones. Koh said that if Apple seeks to file a motion to enjoin sales of the Samsung Galaxy S3, Apple will have to request a new hearing date from the Court.
Samsung is launching the new phone in the US on 21 June. It already has good reviews and in some aspects makes the Jobs' Mob effort look steam powered.
Apple has not changed its iPhone format much for ages. The iPhone 4S just had a voice activated search gimmick called Siri, which didn't work properly outside of the US and refused to direct you to anywhere that was immoral. The search engine had to be “fixed” later when it started recommending that you buy a Samsung Android phone instead.